Wednesday, October 19, 2011

ACiEveMENt IS ThE oUTcoME of STruGGle..!!!! few lINES oN thIS wERE composed by me WHen I was IN class tenth..

Every achievement is the fruitful result of struggle..
without doing stuggle....a lion who is king....
cannot get its food in a jungle..
Struggle can only help us to succeed
otherwise there is no fun of doing good deeds..

Struggle can only help us to top in the examination..
Struggle can only help  scientists to fullfill their  imagination.
Struggle can  only help doctors to succeed in any operation..
Struggle can only  make our country  a prosperous nation.

Struggle can only help us to achieve our carrier..
without facing any barrier..
there is need to increase our pace ..
so that we can win each and every race..
Be strong and free like swift flowing streams..
Then only you can achieve your DREAMS..!!!!

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